Friday, January 17, 2020


In this essay I am notifying how we as humans except reality as which it's presented. As a child I always looked forward to loosing plethora of teeth, because that meant the tooth fairy was coming to see me. For any child, it's easy to believe, because your mind is still developing new things. â€Å"For Instance, growing up believing in fairy tales that only existed to me, since it was always easy to dream.Everyday as my life continued, â€Å"l felt as if it was a replete with interpretation that never made me want to question reality. † Until one day reality came to my actualization, tooth fairies were never real it was all a dream. It wasn't until I was 1 1 years old my whole perception had begun to change. Every late night I went to bed on time after loosing a tooth. It was as if it was all a daily routine to go to sleep wake up and find a tooth right under your pillow.The money under the pillow didn't last for long, till I woke and saw my parents placing twenty-five cents there. So many times as a kid, I would always believe everything I heard, if my dad said Santa was real, of course I was good every Christmas and year. The reason I never questioned or asked myself these little things that mattered so much to me, it all came natural. Finally, growing up realizing how important my initial perception was I felt as if I should have known earlier.

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